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"Ascension Art" is AI generated art created in collaboration with Source energy to provide visual representation of the spiritual journey, different timelines, past lives, spiritual/holistic themes and more! This artwork has become the perfect way to help people understand the things I feel, experience and receive from Source and beings of higher power and knowledge while meditating, channeling and working with higher vibrational energies and beings.

Browse my current collection of Ascension Art pieces below
Visit my SHOP page to buy prints,
Some are available to purchase on redbubble in different mediums.
Signed prints will be sold in person at expos.

All artwork is owned by Danielle Lehr of Dani's Divination. Please do not download, copy, recreate or use any of the artwork on this site without explicit permission.

Ascension Art


Ascension Art #28 - Gaia's Gift - Earth Healing

I created this artwork using AI to depict a personification of Gaia or Mother Earth. 

As the Divine mother and spirit of this earth, she harnesses the energies of nurturing, creation and the ultimate cycles of life, death and rebirth. 

As the physical consciousness of the planet Earth, this spirit is connected with her Higher Self within the planet Venus. 

She acts as a transmuter, recycler and energetic conductor. 

Display this art in a meditational, personal or sacred space that honors Gaia, nature spirits or deities or the planet Earth. Receive her nurturing energy and release your fears, doubts, worries, pains and trauma to her for her to receive, recycle and reuse as pure light of the highest vibration that she shares with all upon and within it. 



Ascension Art #27 - Dinaria - Nature Spirit

I created this artwork using AI to depict a nature spirit that has appeared to me many times to assist with animal healing and healing of the natural world. With glittering light and colorful flowers bursting forth from her being, she attracts that of transformation and renewal to bring new opportunities of expansion and connection. 

Representing her physical appearance and energetic imprint with the name Dinaria, she is glad to assist with that of healing and transformation both within oneself and of the natural world. 

Display this artwork to assist in her mission to awaken humanity to our need for kindness and love while strengthening our abilities to heal, transform and enlighten ourselves and those around us.



Ascension Art #26 - Sacred Conception Ceremony

I created this artwork using AI to show visions I have received and experienced of a sacred Temple within the 7D expression of Earth where Earth and its higher self Venus are one. Within this temple is held divine union and conception ceremonies where a Divine Masculine being and Divine Feminine being who are selected by Priests and Priestesses serving Divine Source are paired to bring forth the soul of a child that is chosen to incarnate into the tribe to be cared for by all members. Through a light pillar connecting the pair to Source, their physical and energetic bodies fuse and mingle together to allow the soul of the child chosen to incarnate to be guided by Source, down through the Source crystal and into the womb of the Divine Feminine to physically incarnate. 

Display this art to assist with reaching the roots of your Source being and Divine Conception to clear 3D blockages, limiting beliefs and wounds around conception, pregnancy and birth.



Ascension Art #25 - Divine Alchemist

I created this artwork using AI to show the collaboration and unification of our Divine Elemental aspects. I also refer to this occurrence as the “Balancing of our Divine Alchemy”. Alchemy is the ability to turn one material into another. Some believe alchemy defies the laws of this world. When in reality, we are meant to continue creating, expanding and beginning anew. Our Divine Alchemy is one and the same to that of our original soul tribe and origin, though we each have our own unique imprint. Devised from different energetic imprints, materials, knowledge and more, these elements connect to our physical, mental, energetic and etheric bodies through our pillar of light to Source. 

Display this art to balance your energetic, physical and etheric bodies within your pillar of light to fully understand and exist within your Divine blueprint to continue creating and expanding.



Ascension Art #24 - Divine DNA Upgrade

I created this artwork using AI to activate the DNA strands to reach a higher vibrational frequency. We have always been taught that we have a double helix (2 strand) design when we are able to activate and access more strands connected to the double helix that have become oppressed and supposedly “obsolete” during the evolution of humanity that coincidentally coincides with humanities fall in consciousness that shut down the additional strands of our Divine DNA.

Display this art in a meditational, personal or sacred space to use when focusing on physical healing, cellular healing and repair and physical ascension. This art is best paired with “Diamond DNA Activation”.



Ascension Art #23 - Inner Harmony

I created this artwork using AI to depict the balance between our Masculine and Feminine energies. 

Regardless of the physical body that we are born into, we all house masculine and feminine energies. Once we start to achieve energetic balance and spiritual awareness, these counterpart energies start to balance out. When healing traumas and limiting beliefs regarding any certain sex or gender, the energies start to balance as well. 

Divine harmony and balance within ourselves comes from the balancing of our Masculine and Feminine energies of Protection, Nurturing, Creation and more. 

Display this art in a meditational, personal or sacred space to help activate, balance and harmonize your Divine Masculine and Feminine energies to become wholly one within your spirit and physical self.



Ascension Art #22 - Temporal Lobe Activation

I created this artwork using AI to show the activation of the temporal lobe, the part of the brain that powers our clair senses, stores and retrieves past life information and memories and strengthens our understanding of higher vibrational frequencies, languages and coding.

The activation of this area of the brain spreads outward through our nervous system to connect and activate the Divine Power and Energy created within our nervous system to better prepare our physical bodies and 3d minds to accept, process and understand higher vibration energies and knowledge. Display this art to activate your temporal lobe and nervous system to prepare your body for receiving these higher vibrational frequencies.



Ascension Art #21 - Traversing Life Times - The Wandering Soul

I created this artwork using AI to show the experience of our consciousness and energetic signature traveling between lifetimes. 
As we pass from one physical body to the next, we briefly enter a higher etheric realm, sometimes referred to as “the in between”. In this realm we review our most previous life, as well as lives that may have come before it. We review the traumas that we experienced, the wounds that have been healed, the soul contracts that we held with other souls and devise a contract outlining our plan for our next life. Should we enter another physical body, we plan the lessons we will learn to further advance our consciousness, the experiences we will have, the souls we will have contracts with to experience a part of life with, learn a lesson from or teach a lesson to.



Ascension Art #20 - Breaking Out of the Chrysalis

I created this artwork using AI to show the process of breaking free from our 3D selves. 
The journey of our spiritual awakening has been compared to that of a caterpillar becoming a butterfly. We become encased in a cocoon of light and our spiritual, mental and emotional bodies are upgraded with Source Energy as we are completely cracked open and reconfigured into a higher vibrational figure. Once we are confident within our energetic power, we emerge from the cocoon to spread love, light and knowledge to all those that are preparing to transition and transform as well. 
Display this art in a meditation, personal or sacred space to provide encouragement, promote peace and instill confidence while transforming into a higher vibrational being.



Ascension Art #19 - Divine Union - Stars Align

I created this artwork using AI to depict the balance of the Divine Feminine and Masculine within ourselves and within a relationship with our Divine Partner. 

Every person has a partner that is most compatible with their soul essence within their Soul Family or Monad group. This person could be a child, family member or friend but they most commonly appear as a romantic partner. This person arrives when your internal masculine and feminine energy are balanced and you have become wholly confident and loving with yourself. Display this art in a meditational, personal or sacred space to find that oneness and wholeness within yourself so that you may live and love in your highest capacity to prepare for the spiritual awakening and unity of a Divine Partner relationship.



Ascension Art #18 - Mount Shasta - Earth's Root Chakra

I created this artwork using AI to represent the activation of the Earth’s Root Chakra, Mount Shasta. 

The channel of cosmic energy connected to the Earth through Mount Shasta radiates outward in all directions to assist with the ascension process of humanity. As the rooted energy center of the Earth, this destination roots our physical bodies and experiences within divine realms. 

Display this art in meditational, personal or sacred spaces to connect your root chakra with that of the earth. Feel the deeper inner layers of your body as a mountain roots deep within the earth's layers. Remain solid and confident within your body while etherically traveling, channeling and communicating with other beings and timelines.



Ascension Art #17 - The Three Fold Flame

I created this artwork using AI to depict the Three Fold Flame. 

This etheric flame is composed of 3 sections to Activate Divine Power, Access Divine Wisdom and Embody Divine Love to harmonize, empower and educate. 

Display this art in a meditational, spiritual or personal space to invoke the Three Fold Flame. Allow this flame to engulf your etheric body to center your heart space and align your higher self within your physical body to encourage the balancing of the 3 plumes of the Three Fold Flame.



Ascension Art #16 - Pyramidal Grid - Divine Generator

I created this artwork using AI to invoke the sacred energies of the Pyramids. Specifically the Pyramids of Giza, act as portals between this physical plane and the Divine. These pyramids act as portals and generators to connect with other realms and existences across our known and unknown existence. The generators erupt along grid lines of extreme energetic potency. They connect with each other to receive and distribute cosmic energy and higher knowledge. They also generate some of the purest, high vibrational energy to super charge this planet and those on and within it with the vibrations of a higher frequency capable of enlightening and awakening humanity. 

Display this art in a meditational, personal or sacred space to harness the energies of the pyramids, thus activating your internal super generators to receive, emit and maintain higher vibrational frequencies.



Ascension Art #15 - Soul Essence

I created this artwork using AI to depict the soul essence of a physically incarnated being. 

Our Soul Essence is housed within our physical body that acts less like a barrier or confinement of the soul and acts more as a clear display of our true essence. As empathic beings, we are able to sense the intentions, energies and authenticity of others around us like we are able to view their soul on display. As we continue to ascend and hone our empathic and spiritual senses, we are able to better discern the cleanliness of one’s soul enclosure that may house lower density energies and intentions. 

Display this art to assist with discernment of others energies and intentions to better protect the integrity of your energetic essence and signature so that you may continue to spread your light.



Ascension Art #14 - Connecting To Your Higher Self

I created this artwork using AI to show the connection between our physical and etheric bodies, especially with our higher selves/higher consciousness. There is a limitless expanse of energy and knowledge along and within this connection. As we connect with our higher selves, we connect with our etheric bodies that are at higher frequencies than our physical body. Within this connection we can better discern, understand, experience and utilize higher vibrational energies, knowledge and guidance. Display this artwork in a meditational, personal or sacred space to better intentionally connect with your higher self to assist with communication with angels, guides and other beings on your spiritual team, better decipher and understand messages received from Source of divine knowledge.



Ascension Art #13 - Cernunnos - Celtic Forest God

I created this artwork using AI to depict how the Celtic forest god Cernunnos, widely worshiped as “Lord of the Wild Things” and guardian of forests and natural wildlife, has appeared to me many times in meditation and etheric traveling.

Display this art in a meditational, personal or sacred space and intentionally connect with Cernunnos to strengthen your understanding of the natural world and your connection to the animal kingdom especially. Root yourself alongside the trees of this earth and offer assistance with healing and protecting the natural kingdoms of this planet.



Ascension Art #12 - Inner Earth Sanctuary

I created this artwork using AI to depict a sanctuary like society that is contained within the innermost layers of the earth. Believed to be Agartha, this realm is full of forests and waterfalls and palaces carved into cliff sides and trees. Through cracks in the earth's crust, bioluminescence rains down in orbs of light to provide light and power to those who inhabit this realm. This realm holds expansive knowledge of this earth and the human societies on it as well as civilizations on other planets in other existences. 

Display this art to assist with safe interdimensional traveling and esoteric projection. This realm and the beings in it also assist with past life recall and earth healing.



Ascension Art #11 - Golden Goddess

I created this artwork using AI to capture the essence of feminine power and confidence as was shown to me during a meditation when my self empowerment and confidence was extremely lacking.

Imbued with Divine Light to help your radiance shine!

Display this art in a meditational, personal or sacred space to empower you to rise to your fullest potential with confidence, trust and love knowing that we are divinely guided, protected and loved, in connection with our highest selves and Source. Let this image fill you with golden strength and light.



Ascension Art #10 - Brigid the Bronze Goddess

I created this artwork using AI to depict the Goddess known as Brigid. Brigid is often worshiped and called upon for collaboration in conjunction with Cernunnos (AA #13) and is often honored in bronze creations. As a celtic goddess associated with wisdom, healing, protection, smithing and domesticated animals, she is often a bringer of strength and potency to higher learning, energetic protection, creative pursuits and careers involving blacksmithing or animals. 

Display this art and intentionally invite Brigid in to assist you with energetic cleansing and protection of your hearth and home, as well as bringing for creative projects and higher knowledge while remaining open to your ever changing and evolving spiritual awareness and understanding.



Ascension Art #9 - Sacred Geometry Activation

I created this artwork using AI to represent the unique form of our own sacred geometry. We all house our own sacred geometry that powers our very soul essence with the power and knowledge of Source. This picture is representative of our internal sacred geometry and is charged with the energy to activate your own personal sacred geometry as each person's design varies greatly to their own spiritual awareness, capabilities and destined path. 

Display this art in a meditational, personal or sacred space to activate your personal sacred geometry to assist with unlocking the full potential and potency of your spiritual and energetic abilities.



Ascension Art #8 - Diamond DNA Activation

I created this artwork using AI to show the true form of our cells and DNA structure. In our 3D bodies we have a carbon based structure when we are Divinely Designed to have a crystalline structure. As we absorb fractals of light that upgrade our DNA you may notice shimmery patches on your skin as our bodies return to their originally designed crystalline DNA. Andara stones are best used for Diamond DNA Activations as this stone houses the Diamond Light from the Central Sun that ascends one's DNA to a higher frequency that can better absorb higher vibrational energies and light codes that are absorbed from the solar rays of the sun that trickle through the light body and into the DNA as the consciousness is prepared to receives this upgrade. 

Display this art with an Andara stone to assist with unlocking and activating the original Diamond crystalline form of your DNA to continue receiving light code downloads and activations at a higher potency.



Ascension Art #7 - 8/8 Lionsgate Portal

I created this artwork using AI to depict the arrival of the 8/8 Lions Gate Portal in alignment with the Pyramids of Giza when the star Sirius is once again visible and in alignment with the earth.

This event triggers energetic shifts in both the physical and mental bodies to promote profound consciousness shifts by acting as a portal to allow higher vibrational frequencies to permeate our physical and spiritual beings. 

Display this art in a meditational, personal or sacred space to invoke the activating, abundant energy of this portal to assist with spiritual growth, heightened energetic awareness, strengthening inner power and more!



Ascension Art #6 - Light Body Activation

I created this artwork using AI to depict the activation of one's Light Body. The Light Body is an existence of higher vibrational energy surrounding the physical body, most commonly referred to as the aura or the etheric body. This body also houses our Merkaba which is our transportation vehicle through the ascension process. Once the light body is activated, maintaining unconditional love activates the Rainbow Body. 

Display this art in a meditational, personal or sacred space to embody unconditional love within and of yourself. As you harness this potent energy, it begins to exude from you to attract higher vibrational energies of peace, love, abundance and connection to your Soul Tribe.



Ascension Art #5 - Collaboration with Source

I created this artwork using AI to depict a vision I was given by the Divine to show a physically incarnated soul receiving guidance from Source. Source appears in many different ways but is accompanied by violet fire of cleansing light to purify and expand our consciousness so that we may best receive and utilize the universal knowledge that it gives us. 

Source will appear to you in a way that is best recognized and accepted by your consciousness and vibration. 

Display this art in a meditational, personal or sacred space to assist you with connecting with Source. It may take some time to recognize how Source appears to you but once you acknowledge and experience this connection, you will be able to ask for, accept and utilize Source’s guidance and wisdom with less 3D restrictions and conditional beliefs.



Ascension Art #4 - Evil Eye - Cosmic Protection

This artwork depicting the evil eye was created by me using AI to be used as a protection symbol to ward off negative energies, beings, intentions and projections. This artwork is divinely charged to assist with protecting your body, mind, spirit, energy field and space from anything that wishes you ill intent. Display this art in a meditational, personal or sacred space to assist with protecting your energetic field from unwanted energies, frequencies and beings.



Ascension Art #3 - Universal Expansion - "Interconnected"

I created this artwork using AI to depict the creation of our known and unknown universes. From a spark of light, atoms erupt and multiply and join together to form our physical existence as we know it. This process also occurs within our cellular structure to trigger the awakening and ascension process of humanity that interconnects our experiences. In the same capacity of the universe being created, we are all experiencing the creation of our own internal universe that contains the expanse of the known and unknown that our minds are evolving to access and comprehend. 

Display this art to activate your inner cellular awakening and understanding of your place in the universe and your divine gifts that continue to activate and expand your being.



Ascension Art #2 - Soul Star Synchronizing

​I created this artwork using AI to show the connection of our Soul Star (8th) Chakra located directly above our Crown. This chakra acts as a connection to our higher consciousness. As this chakra connects to the 7 housed within the physical body, it opens our Divine Sight through our Third Eye, connects our Crown to Divine Knowledge, and Enlightens our Heart with Divine Love that sparks this cord through our physical chakras continues down into our Earth Star Chakra. 

Display this art in a meditational, personal or sacred space to activate and connect the chakras within and expanding beyond your body. Allow this connection to spark your etheric self to life and be one with Source.



Ascension Art #1 - Awakening Consciousness - "The Spark"

This image was first shown to me to represent the awakening of my consciousness that occurred many years ago. I worked with many platforms and artists to recreate the image I was given and collaborated with an AI art generator that was able to perfectly show my visual experience. 

I created this artwork using AI to show a visual representation of the expansion of the human consciousness from the 3D plane/lower timeline to 5D and higher timelines, dimensions and consciousness. Display this art in a meditational, personal or sacred space to assist with activating the "spark" within your mind to continue your awakening/ascension process.


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